Greetings to Rational Beings of this computer age! By having a website you are now recognised and respected as a Citizen of the Global Village. You are no more a racist, a chauvinist nor a parochial religionist. You are a special son or daughter of the Almighty Creator who has given us the macrocosms and microcosms to share. Let us live in peace like we ought to, equal heirs to the benefits we derive from being HOMO SAPIENS! Please visit http// for the scientific creed and international educational guidelines and youth rearing practices that can make us ONE HUMAN FAMILY living in ONE CREATED UNIVERSE as children of ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Salutations à des êtres rationnels de cette ère de l'informatique! En ayant un site web vous sont désormais reconnus et respectés en tant que citoyen du village global. Vous n'êtes pas plus raciste,chauvine, ni une un religieux paroissial. Vous êtes un fils ou une fillespéciale du Créateur Tout-Puissant qui nous a donné le macrocosme et le microcosme de partager. Laissez-nous vivre en paix comme nous devrions, héritiers égal aux avantages que nous tirons de se HOMO SAPIENS! S'il vous plaît visitez http / / pour la croyance scientifique et directives internationales et les pratiques éducatives des jeunesd'élevage qui peuvent nous faire une famille vivant humain dans ununivers créé que les enfants d'un Créateur Tout-Puissant.
Grüße an Rational Wesen dieser Computer-Zeitalter! Durch eineWebsite, die Sie jetzt anerkannt und respektiert als Citizen of theGlobal Village. Sie sind nicht mehr ein Rassist, ein Chauvinist noch eine engstirnige Glaubensgenossen. Sie sind eine spezielle Sohn oder die Tochter des allmächtigen Schöpfers, der uns gegeben hat,der Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos zu teilen. Lasst uns in Friedenleben wie wir sollten, gleich Erben, um die Vorteile wir aus Homosapiens! Bitte besuchen Sie http / / für die wissenschaftlicheCredo und internationalen Bildungs-Richtlinien und JugendErziehungsmethoden, die uns eine menschliche Familie lebt in ONEgeschaffene Universum als Kinder eines allmächtigen Schöpferskann.
Saludos a los seres racionales de esta era de la informática! Al tener un sitio web que está ahora reconocida y respetadacomo un ciudadano de la
Aldea Global. Tú no eres más racista, chovinista, niun religioso parroquial.
Usted es un hijo o una hija especial del Creador Todopoderoso,
que nos ha dado el macrocosmos y elmicrocosmos de compartir. Vivamos en paz, como debemos,herederos igual
a los beneficios que se derivan de ser homo sapiens! Por favor, visite http /
/ para el credo científico ydirectrices
internacionales y las prácticas educativas de jóvenes de crianza que nos puede
hacer vivir UNA FAMILIA HUMANA en un universo creado como hijos del Creador Todopoderoso.
Greetings to Rational Beings of this computer age! By having a website you are now recognised and respected as a Citizen of the Global Village. You are no more a racist, a chauvinist nor a parochial religionist. You are a special son or daughter of the Almighty Creator who has given us the macrocosms and microcosms to share. Let us live in peace like we ought to, equal heirs to the benefits we derive from being HOMO SAPIENS! Please visit http// for the scientific creed and international educational guidelines and youth rearing practices that can make us ONE HUMAN FAMILY living in ONE CREATED UNIVERSE as children of ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Salutations à des êtres rationnels de cette ère de l'informatique! En ayant un site web vous sont désormais reconnus et respectés en tant que citoyen du village global. Vous n'êtes pas plus raciste,chauvine, ni une un religieux paroissial. Vous êtes un fils ou une fillespéciale du Créateur Tout-Puissant qui nous a donné le macrocosme et le microcosme de partager. Laissez-nous vivre en paix comme nous devrions, héritiers égal aux avantages que nous tirons de se HOMO SAPIENS! S'il vous plaît visitez http / / pour la croyance scientifique et directives internationales et les pratiques éducatives des jeunesd'élevage qui peuvent nous faire une famille vivant humain dans ununivers créé que les enfants d'un Créateur Tout-Puissant.
Grüße an Rational Wesen dieser Computer-Zeitalter! Durch eineWebsite, die Sie jetzt anerkannt und respektiert als Citizen of theGlobal Village. Sie sind nicht mehr ein Rassist, ein Chauvinist noch eine engstirnige Glaubensgenossen. Sie sind eine spezielle Sohn oder die Tochter des allmächtigen Schöpfers, der uns gegeben hat,der Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos zu teilen. Lasst uns in Friedenleben wie wir sollten, gleich Erben, um die Vorteile wir aus Homosapiens! Bitte besuchen Sie http / / für die wissenschaftlicheCredo und internationalen Bildungs-Richtlinien und JugendErziehungsmethoden, die uns eine menschliche Familie lebt in ONEgeschaffene Universum als Kinder eines allmächtigen Schöpferskann.
Saludos a los seres racionales de esta era de la informática! Al tener un sitio web que está ahora reconocida y respetada
The most rational way to
inculcate love, justice and peace among all men and women in the world is to
jettison man-made doctrines and dogmas invented and patented by any and every
religious leader. The Creator did not need artificial compilations for any and
every creature he made. He is omnipotent as well as omniscient, so he embedded
all the rules each creature needed to serve him, live a good life and be in
good terms with all other creatures on his planets. The scriptures assert that
everything created was/is good!
Man has created nothing.
No angel or demon can create. No one can stop or change the destiny the Creator
has for each being living in this world. Man has only been uncovering the
secrets locked in the created universe and misappropriated the praise and
honour due to the creator. That is why whatever man has invented is misused
sooner than later. Man kills whatever it did not create and as the law of
compensation demands, man has always paid with gradual or sudden death through
internal dissatisfaction with the self, emotional depression, ethnic jealousies
and mass homicide that resulted and still results in political or religious
genocide, fratricidal and international wars.
Check the history of
mankind from the creation story in scriptures of all religions and show me any
that had no religio-political undertone? Inter-religious harmony could have
been instituted centuries ago since all cultures had legends similar to the one
man, Enoch, who pleased the Creator so well, that he was translated to enjoy
eternal bliss in fellowship with the Supreme Being. There is no scripture in
the world that does not accept that there is only one Supreme Creator of all
that exists. The only difference is that some explain away polytheism as if God
has an administrative structure similar to our mundane ways of ruling
ourselves. There are really no pagans in this world! Replace their many gods
and spirits with angels and prophets, you will notice for the first time that
you have the same result; One God, One Created Universe and therefore One Human
We are all his sons and
daughters, though with varied facial differentiations, but, we have the same
anatomy and physiology with same blood chemistry, similar genetic classifications
and finally we mate and produce human babies alike! Laughter, crying and
singing are international languages. Anger, fear, hatred, depression and sorrow
are human emotions that have no boundaries. Conception, gestation and birth are
exactly the same as well as the modalities of dying due to accidents, diseases
or old age. What else does any intelligent being need to prove that all humans
are equal at birth, but differentiations arise due to parentage, geographical
locations, education and inherited or achieved social statuses occasioned by
opportunities each one experiences in both clement or unfavourable internal and
external environments?
Interracial squabbles
are man-made! The non-partisan events we organise like the World Cups and
Beauty Pageants confirm we are children of one Father and so could live
amicably. Scientific discoveries and inventions, like the cellular phones, the
variety of computers and the Internet all of us use passionately prove that all
mankind can live in peace. Let us eschew ethnocentric bias, religious bigotry,
social prejudice and parochialism. The multiplication of faiths, denominations
and churches are the handiwork of the evil one. Let us wake from centuries of
hypnotic enslavement and justify our claim to the appellation: HOMO SAPIENS
Therefore, what we need is to go back and imitate
Enoch, the first human that was taken up to be with the Creator lest he be
corrupted by other immoral peers of his time! The following affirmative
statements dictated by the Holy Spirit of the Creator to his vessel, Rev. Prof.
J. J. Kenez is all that we need. If you want to join us, read and evaluate the
universality of each line. Query any that you find obscure. Meditate on each
sentence. Analyse each paragraph or stanza. If you are still interested after
two weeks of a speculative study of them then you can apply to be a bond-fide
member of ISM. Then you can append; FRCC to your name in all our
International Worship of the Almighty Creator by All
Rational Human Beings is the Essence of this Integrational Creed
am old enough to know my natural father and mother besides recognising the
biological roles they played in my physical manifestation on this plane of
existence. They were definitely instrumental in my earliest survival and reared
me as best as they could. Now; I am I, you are you, we are us;
therefore I affirm that I exist!
2.I am aware that I had a beginning as a living
corporeal being and will naturally come to an end as other animate beings I
have observed do come to a definitive end. I need food, water, air and sleep to
survive as an individual entity and love, education and social interactions to
grow, develop and mature properly in a human community, therefore I
accept that all finite beings like myself are governed by certain Natural Laws.
3.The macrocosms that I observe; the sun, the moon,
mountains, canyons, rivers, oceans, and seas obey these natural laws daily as
well as whales, elephants, rhinoceros, hippopotamuses, giraffes, ostriches, and
other huge reptiles. These laws existed before our arrival here, are enforced
all the time and will continue after our individual deaths; therefore I am convinced that they are Eternal as well as
law has a lawgiver, so these natural, eternal and supernatural laws must
equally have a Natural, an Eternal and a Supernatural Lawgiver or givers. If
the latter, there must be a hierarchy and at the apex of these lawgivers must
be one Supreme overseer that is the ultimate law itself and therefore I refer to it as the Ultimate Lawgiver whom all else must obey at all times. To IT/HIM/HER I owe my existence,
my breath, my blood, my food and my life. IT/HE/SHE is my Greatest Being that
must be obeyed and worshipped!
I have equally observed
actions and reactions; motions produced by winds, time and space interactions
and those immanent motions that are inherited by all living entities. They obey definite laws of gravity, temperature, time and
space. Therefore I concede that these laws exact commensurate punishment for
any and every violation of their dictates.
Some punishments are immediate while some are delayed but definitely actions
and reactions as I have realised are equal and opposite in nature. This Supernatural and Eternal Lawgiver rewards for
obedience to these laws and so must be the Ultimate Cause of these motions for
the daily enforcement of His Natural and Eternal Laws to ensure eternal harmony
in the universe.
6. The force of gravity, the energy of light, the speed
of sound, the velocity of wind, and the devastating fury of all the relentless
elements in creation; thunders, fires, floods, storms, volcanoes, earthquakes
and cyclones exhibit the magnitude and the energy of the One who initiates,
maintains and controls them.
The limitlessness of time, space,
sound, light and darkness force me to concede that this Eternal Lawgiver is not
only Infinite and Expansive but also All Powerful!
7. When I study the skies at night or the seasons and
climates, the vegetation and the desert, the lagoons and the islands, the hills
and the valleys, and most especially the beauty of sunrise and sunset, I marvel at the precision, regularity and complementary
nature of these phenomena and therefore fully appreciate that whoever put them there, cares and caters for them on an hourly,
daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly bases and must therefore be a Benevolent
Custodian, and an Accurate Time Keeper!
8. Positivity and Negativity exist in all forms of life;
microcosms, macrocosms, material and non-material beings thereby producing some
real currents, emotions and instincts that are equally subservient to these
ever-present natural and eternal laws. These make life worth living,
for they constitute the basic motivations for the survival needs of every genus
and species of life on planet earth, and so all pro-creative activities obey
these Natural and Eternal Laws!
9. When I observe living beings; their beauty and
ugliness, their variety and numbers, their shapes, sizes, modes of feeding, defending
and surviving in hostile environments and most especially their innate
abilities at reproducing themselves, sexually and/or asexually, I declare that this Eternal Lawgiver is All Creative, All
Beautiful, and an Impartial Judge! I am
fully convinced IT/HE/SHE created all the finite beings around me. Therefore,
permit me to
call IT/HE/SHE our commonwealth
Supernatural and Eternal Creator/Father/Mother!
10. Among the living things that move about on their own,
I do observe that we all have the same basic structure, protoplasm and energy
source. We equally possess identical feelings, functions and comparable life
spans! We all need to prostrate and worship this All Knowing,
All Powerful, and Infinite Energy Source that sustains all beings in the entire
And because there are no accidents in
Nature when all His Natural Laws are respected and obeyed, I attest to this
creed most solemnly and voluntarily:
My respect, obedience and loyalty belongs to this
Almighty Eternal Being as I extend my hands of love and co-operation to all
other beings that I meet during my short span of life on this planet, since I
now recognise them as my brothers, sisters and co-heirs of this Our Eternal
Lawgiver, Father and Mother who created us all!
“Here lie the humble remains
The man who lived the Truth,
Stood for the Truth,
Propagated the Truth, and
Died defending the Truth!
Undeterred by mundane
Unseduced by feminine
Undismayed by human
He confronted life with
He conquered evil with
He defeated enemies with
He was not the son of an
earthly king,
But he lived and died as a
heavenly prince,
The Prince of Family Health
He lived for and served all
He founded and animated three
His legacy remains:
Each of the two previous
international genocides that historians whitewashed and called ‘world wars’ had
a silver lining but xenophobia and human pride did not allow the political
demagogues that led humanity at those crucial epochs to see them!
There was a preponderance of
hypomaniacs that could not look beyond the horizons of victory and defeat, let
alone appropriate the wisdom of a global peace initiative that I S M is
preaching today! Instead, they created a toothless bulldog they named UNO that
has for decades failed to forge unity or negotiate for embargo on military
My people of Biafra do not engage in peace
negotiations with their razor-sharp cutlasses strapped to their hips. We know
that to engage in conflict resolutions a warrior does not bring a knife that
cuts through thick tree trunks, rather we come with strong threads and long
needles that can sew together torn tarpaulin tents, nylon sacks or slippery
garments! The self-acclaimed super-powers amassing nuclear weapons today have
never read nor understood that wise men do not go to the UNO assemblies with
daggers hidden in their cloaks.
What they need is
to come and drink in wisdom from gray-haired village folks in Igbo land. The
words of our elders in Biafra are definitely
words of wisdom. We had military tacticians and intelligentsia that knew the
best methods of ending conflicts.
The oldest sample of the
political diplomacy that is still in use today is INTER-MARRIAGE BETWEEN THE
WARRING COMMUNITIES. At other times, prisoners of wars were exchanged amicably
with feasting, dancing and masquerade displays. Another was SACRIFICING THE
Parallels of these can be
extrapolated and put into diplomatic use by the perennial white-collar
administrators warming executive seats at the UNO but achieving nothing year-in
year-out. All they do is FIRE BRIGADE response to ethnic cleansing when it has
conflagrated to fratricidal genocide whereas these socio-political skirmishes
could have been nipped in their buds! Even the PEACE KEEPING FORCES they send
belatedly are always borrowed from sympathetic nations who answer the clarion
call of genuine humanitarianism. They have no military apparatus, muscle, might
nor power. It should be scrapped!
Presidents and Monarchs
should send half of the funds sent to them to those of us working ceaselessly
to sew together all the religious factions worldwide that are the breeding
grounds for fanaticism based on unscientific doctrines and dogmas that result
in crusades and jihads.
For how long will career
diplomats be enjoying air-conditioned rooms and the state-of-the-arts
secretarial gadgets for doing next to nothing to achieve the aims or objectives
of setting up the bogus UNO?
us at INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT (ISM) for this and get people of
like-minds so we can sanitise humanity of xenophobic syndromes and free all
fanatics/mystics imprisoned by religion! Since it is religious differences that
breed world wars, visit our websites and blogs:
who are genuinely interested in enthroning a sustainable and lasting world
peace in our digitalised global village should; visit, read, meditate and
digest the contents of these websites before recruiting professional colleagues
of like-minds in every nation so you can speak authoritatively.

Dr J. K. Danmbaezue a.k.a the Revolutionary Professor of Theosophy
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator of the
Entire Universe
symbols have been borrowed across cultures and religious boundaries for centuries
that they rarely mean same things to a variety of fanatical followers or
worshippers of the plethora of religions and denominations in our present
world. How do we penetrate centuries of historical distortions of the originals
to define the pristine truths from nature and established by our Creator so
that we can arrive at the most objective version that is egalitarian, humane
and applicable in all cultures, time and clime for world peace?
Or, put in
another fashion, how can we be certain that the doctrines and dogmas we hold on
to today were/are not merely fake theories from the past. In short, how do we
sift truth from human beliefs, myths, legends and/or fables forged and
fabricated by sages of old or demagogues whose objectives were merely manipulating
the masses of their generation into reverencing and/or obeying them sheepishly?
This is the task before all
of us. It is the only way to arrive at ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is
Integrational Spiritan Movement, led by the Holy Spirit of the Genuine Creator
we all ought to worship.
Where I was
born, we have this local saying; ‘He who does not know where the rainfall
starting beating him, will never know where it stopped’. Another warns; “A rat
that joins a lizard in playing in the rain, to remember that when the lizard is
dry, it will still be wet.” In my culture, one does not interpret proverbs.
Simply put, “One, who does not know who he is and where he is coming from, does
not know where he is going especially in religion!”
The music I
am about to play is not for every human being to dance! It is only for those
matured humans with sturdy legs and pliable pelvic girdles. Only those who are
prepared to stand out of the crowd are qualified to read this controversial
dissertation. For my local lyrics for the brave warriors of old counsels; “If
you have strengthened your heart for real challenges, then put your hands!”
This is purely a literal rendition. Its true import is this: “Unless you are
fortified as a lion-hearted warrior, do not join in this war dance!”
All over the
world, the supposedly rational animal that prides itself with being the only
one with language and reason has been manipulated into swallowing toxic wastes
in the name of faith! From birth, one is conditioned to swallow the community’s
or parents’ religious practices without questions! The general mass hysteria is
that doctrines, dogmas and rituals were handed down through some prophets and
priests and therefore no one dares challenge their real worth; neither their
veracity, their utilitarian values nor their mutual benefits! That is now
history for intelligent humans who will read and understand this book! That has
been the remote cause of racism, religious intolerance and the production of
majority and minority races.
In the thick
rainforests of Biafra , before the arrival of the first
white man on the African continent, bond-fide male indigenes in Eze Awara’s
kingdom were warriors reputed for swallowing razor-sharp cutlasses or swords
and thereafter excreting them at will or whenever they wanted. They solved the
‘impossibles’ by removing the ‘im’ to convert them to the ‘possibles”. “If you
have strengthened your heart for real challenges, then put forward your hands!”
You, too, can vomit the toxic cutlass of dogmas today! This book puts an end to
myopic crusades and jihads!
The religious
tradition of our forefathers has been overthrown by imported versions that our
youths disregard or pay lip service to. It is the adult population that is
corrupting the youth. There are no role models for the youth; neither among the
fake pastors and money seeking evangelists nor among the inept public servants
and the corrupt political class. That is the genesis of youth restiveness,
social malaise and adult/juvenile delinquency that has escalated to unmanageable
proportions in Nigeria . For too long, our people have
been wearing masks; the commercial mask worn by traders from Mondays to Fridays
when they extort and cheat their customers. Civil service mask of pretences is
a corollary! Then religiosity mask is worn by all for funeral ceremonies and
condolence visits on Saturdays and finally, the Christian mask worn on Sundays!
There is a
plethora of ancient and modern major world religions. In each, there are
factions, sects and denominations. It is syncretism galore! The name of the
game is “join our own, ours is the one prospering for now!” It is a religious
market!! It is a mad world!!! Many nationals all over the globe are smarting
under the colonial yoke of Roman Catholicism or Islamism. The intriguing aspect
of this brand of neo-colonialism is that it brews dogmas and doctrines that
propel fanatical members to kill or be killed in the name of ‘God’. Religious
fanaticism or mysticism is a religio-psychiatric personality disorder that has
never been classified by any DSM and so has never been diagnosed and managed as
other psychopathological conditions that present in health services all over
the world!
The Almighty
Creator or Ultimate Controller of the Universe has no name! One can only give
names to what one completely owns and has power over their existence; life or
death! In my community, we only use his divine attributes to address him in
speech and supplication. This is how it ought to be. Those using the term “God”
have never spelt it backwards! Do so now! Do you now realise that the
terminology is not only demonic but derogatory and insane. Stop using it!
knowledge wears blinkers. At other times, it wears coloured sun glasses and so
we see only the colorinations presented as truth. Truth does not wear any
make-up. Our knowledge of things is definitely incomplete! Religious symbols
have been borrowed across cultures and religious boundaries for centuries that
they rarely mean same things to a variety of fanatical followers or worshippers
of the plethora of religions and denominations in our present world.
At this
juncture, let me repeat; “How
do we penetrate centuries of historical distortions of the originals to define
the pristine truths from nature and established by our Creator so that we can
arrive at the most objective version that is egalitarian, humane and applicable
in all cultures, time and clime for world peace?” It is our ignorance and outright
incompetence about the nature of divine beings and the true nature of
independence among finite beings that generate religious bigotry and world
The fallacy
similar to the verdicts of the four blind men who went on an excursion to know
what the elephant looked like. But in our case in religious buffoonery, it is
not the personal verdicts of the first set of the blind men that we hold on to;
that unfortunately is the tragedy of current day Religionists and the breeding
ground for puerile bigotry, fanaticism, doctrines, dogmas, crusades and jihads.
It is futile to not only believe the verdicts of the earliest FOUR BLIND MEN
who were actually wrong but psychotically paranoid to swallow the bastardised
versions handed down by degenerate grandsons of those cowardly and shameless
blind men who never made the trip at all!
So many blind
religious leaders do not even set out to make the trip! Rather, they are
satisfied by propagating what other blind men heard from the original four
blind men that really touched the elephant. So it is that a thousand
interpretations of what the wise explorers concluded is now bandied about what
the original elephant looked and still looks like. The Elephant in his majesty
refuses to say a word! Why, you may ask! It is unnecessary for the glory,
majesty and truths about true worship of Our Almighty Creator abound in Nature
and the sane observe them on a daily and hourly basis 365 days every year! Only
the blind do not want to see the Natural and Eternal Laws he engraved into each
macrocosm and microcosm He has made and given to all His Creations to share. We
are equal heirs to His Infinite Love!
To rescue humanity from the demonic stranglehold of
idolatry that now predominates worldwide, you are invited to reason along with
us and see that we provide an everlasting cure for sensual lust for food, wine,
sex, wealth and power that are the trademarks of a society heading for
damnation! Are you going to sit on the fence and wait for another failed
experiment in messiahship that was riddled with myopic and ethnocentric bias?
Who knows the Creator well enough to declare that he has ‘a chosen people’? Or,
that he had only one son? If mere mortals, like this writer and other virile
men can have seven sons from one fertile woman, then, who limited him to only
one son? Who is the father of all the other men who had been sent earlier on?
Where is the evidence that Moses actually led the
so-called people out of any oppressive regime? The history books and modern
encyclopaedia did not record the enslavement of the Jewish race except as ‘they
were believed as revealed truths’. Then Moses, who was brought up in an
Egyptian royal court went on to introduce the first and most heinous dichotomy
in racism; JEWS and GENTILES! The negative impact of that first categorisation
of humanity gave birth to all the nepotic, apartheid and racist policies in the
entire world. Could a universal saviour utter; “It is not good to
take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs.” Matt 15:26-27,
When shall we ever learn? Did Confucius, Zoroaster,
Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed ever preach syncretism? The answer is an affirmative
NO! Only Moses, due to depersonalisation syndromes emanating from years of the
enslavement of his kith and kin in Egypt and his personal refugee status in
Midian before he was recalled to lead them out, inadvertently introduced
segregationist concepts encapsulated in the Mosaic laws of ‘clean and unclean’
injunctions that culminated in ‘the Jew and the Gentile’ racist policies. Was
the first wife of Moses not a Gentle? Jesus failed to address this bifurcation
succinctly before he was crucified. As it stands today, there is no evidence
that he actually succeeded in his mission.
As far as we are concerned in Kenezianism, it was disastrous!
It was a costly price for every religious leader who failed to address
parochial issues embedded in its tenets and modes of worship! To date, any
failure to resolve ethnic issues in the sermons of current preachers will have
similar repercussions! Did he reconcile the descendants of Esau, Ishmael and
Jacob? No! Did he identify with the Samaritans, Greek or other ‘Gentile’
citizens of his epoch? No! Did he integrate the Roman Rulers of his time with
his ethnic group? No! That is why Arab-Israeli wars will never have an end!
There were
many other leaders, religious and/or political, in history that paid for the
same negligence. The concept that he died for everyone is not only
preposterous, irrational and obsolete but also idiosyncratic and outrageously
fanatical, for up till now, present Jews and previous ones never acknowledged
that idea. To-date, the Jewish race is still expecting a Saviour! It was Saul of Tarsus who marketed the idea, as he was making reparations for murdering
Stephen and many early followers that he had dispatched to impromptu graves!
Later as Emperor Constantine capitulated to the doctrines of Saul of Tarsus in
order to marry a Christian girl he had fallen in love with, the pagan emperor
eventually convened the Council of Nicea for all religious leaders in his
empire and overnight deified Jesus of Nazareth! Historians tell us that he
relied on the sign of the cross; an insignia on all the armours of his soldiers
Paul had suggested, with which he achieved what he believed was his most
successful military campaign. The Evil One had again manipulated humanity into
is reigning to date! When shall we ever learn!
The truth will always surface no matter for how long
it is buried. Let us learn to apportion blame wherever and whenever they are
due. Hero worship never pays any lasting dividends. Idolising a great leader
detracts from total loyalty and the true worship we owe to the Almighty Father;
the Indisputable Immovable Mover, the Great Architect and Omniscient Creator of
the universe and all of us; human beings, plants, animals, animate microcosms
and other inanimate macrocosms. It is time to proclaim the true Unitarian
Godhead! It will erase the concept of “infidels” and “gentiles” that has been
the albatross of factionalism in the religious circles worldwide and usher in
an internationally recognised theology that can unify humanity. This is the
main objective of Kenezianism, a.k.a. Integrational Spiritan Movement, (ISM).
All Trinitarians are idolaters who copied it from the ancient symbols of the
religions of the Far East and those of Egyptian mythology!
The “Madonna” and “Queen of the Coast” were all borrowed from previous
religions, so also is the recitations of the chaplet that now traverse a variety
of denominations!
How can we be
certain that the doctrines and dogmas we hold on to today were/are not merely
fake theories from the past? In short, how do we sift truth from human beliefs,
myths, legends and/or fables forged and fabricated by sages of old or
demagogues whose objectives were merely manipulating the masses of their
generation into reverencing and/or obeying them sheepishly? This is the task
before all of us. It is the only way to arrive at ONE WORLD RELIGION. That is
Integrational Spiritan Movement, led by the Holy Spirit of the Genuine Creator
we all ought to worship, a.k.a Kenezianism.
If you care
to join us in a sanitation exercise that will guarantee a better future for
your children, then come, read, observe, witness and finally analyse the
development of religion from time immemorial to evaluate its subjugation to
man-made doctrines, dogmas and modes of worship that are irreligious!
Thereafter, we can seek for solutions as proposed by the computer-age
integrational fellowship; INTEGRATIONAL SPIRITAN MOVEMENT, abbreviated thus: I
S M.
- Every
individual nature is part of the cosmos. To live virtuously means to live
in accord with one's nature, to live according to the natural and eternal
laws the designer of the universe intended by employing truth and right
reason in all we do. Because passion and emotion are considered irrational
movements of the soul, the wise individual seeks to eradicate the passions
and consciously embrace the rational life.
- “True
law is right reason in agreement with Nature; it is of universal
application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its
commands and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions. . . .
There will not be different laws at different countries or communities, or
different laws now and in the future, BUT ONE ETERNAL AND UNCHANGEABLE LAW
- The
natural laws governing all living things; birth, growth, respiration,
movement, nutrition, excretion, reproduction and finally death hold sway
in every place on planet earth under normal temperature and pressure.
Humans have the same anatomy and physiology despite our differing
languages, child-rearing practices, skin colour, racial differences and
social statuses. We are the offspring of the Almighty Creator of the
macrocosms and microcosms we share. Our survival in our variety of
physical environment follows the same laws. No man is an island. We need
each other!
- Rev.
Prof. J. J. Kenez also contends that natural laws are sacrosanct for they
were made by the Almighty Architect and Engineer who created every being
on planet; EARTH. They are divine and eternal; because they are universal
and are no respecters of places and times of birth, parentage, race,
educational level or religion!
- There
are so many self-evident examples; the movement of the sun and moon
regulate the hours of day, night, weeks, months and years; so also do
gravity, temperature, pressure, emotion, motivation, conception,
pregnancy, labour and birth regulate family life. If anyone disagrees, let
him provide evidence to the contrary.
- The
FINALLY FAMILY LIFE COLLEGE, therefore, posit that human slavery, in
whatever form it is used to deny any Homo sapiens and others their
fundamental human rights, was/is and will forever remain illegal! Caste
systems must be abrogated both in civil and religious circles all over the
world to arrive at;
OF WORSHIP; which is our creed
TO HUMANITY INTERNATIONALLY; is the lifestyle of all bona-fide members,
TO THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH; in every thought, word or deed is our international
social ethics &
KENEZIANISM or ISM is founded on the discovery of all
the natural and eternal laws in creation and full obedience to all of them.
Dr Kenez argues that since there is only:
• One created universe, of which we all share its amenities,
• One earth, on which we all stand, walk about, build our physical structures, plant on, harvest from and solely depend on for our food,
• One atmospheric air that all living things breathe from to live,
• One rainfall that provides the water for all plants and animals,
• One sun and a moon that illuminate the world day and night,
• One anatomy and physiology that ensures our survival or death,
• Therefore, there must One Almighty Creator, who is the Ultimate Designer and Engineer responsible all that we can think, say, hear, feel and see! He/She/It is our Father/Mother/Creator that deserves our gratitude, obedience and loyalty.
• One created universe, of which we all share its amenities,
• One earth, on which we all stand, walk about, build our physical structures, plant on, harvest from and solely depend on for our food,
• One atmospheric air that all living things breathe from to live,
• One rainfall that provides the water for all plants and animals,
• One sun and a moon that illuminate the world day and night,
• One anatomy and physiology that ensures our survival or death,
• Therefore, there must One Almighty Creator, who is the Ultimate Designer and Engineer responsible all that we can think, say, hear, feel and see! He/She/It is our Father/Mother/Creator that deserves our gratitude, obedience and loyalty.
In brief, Kenezians worship this Absolute Truth
wherever it is found; on, below or above the earth! Tell, Live, Propagate and
Die for the Truth! This principle and only this lifestyle guide the true sons
and daughters of the Almighty Creator of the universe who we designate as
crusaders for world peace for our global village!
If you want to be a foundation member of the
board of directors for this all-inclusive humanitarian FAMILY LIFE COLLEGE send us a proposal of what you can
contribute and attach a brief CV, your contact addresses and a current passport
sized photo of yourself.
Once you can
pool your resources and co-ordinate a hundred like-minds who are rational
thinkers in your community either by Face book networking or any other
ingenious methodology, contact us for inauguration. We do not care whether you
‘believe in God or gods’! The Creator has never had, has and will never have a
name by any language or be labelled by his creatures! Those who use ‘God or
god’ have never spelt it backwards to see its demonic origin! The only
qualification you need is that you are a sane human being who is naturally
objective, is ready to respect the opinions of others and is prepared to
disabuse the mind of all previous indoctrinations that you had been forced to
swallow hook, line and sinker since childhood.
There has been a
retinue of charlatans in every profession in the world since the agricultural
perspectives that Cain, the farmer and Abel, the shepherd introduced to the
rest of humanity if the biblical legends and/or religious fables are worth
their whiles! What is indigenous in a half-baked cleric who does not realise that
he is only a pawn in the chessboard of Roman Sacerdotal Nationals that have
dominated the scene in Christendom since the Constantine misadventure of
bastardising the true ‘Good News of the Lord Jesus’ with the Mithraism era of
Roman idolatry?
For 500 years the
baton of Papacy had always been handed over to only Roman citizens until
lately, when Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death by fellow cardinals
contesting for the throne of the Roman Catholic Papacy! Pope John Paul II
surfaced as a belated consensus candidate. To date the reconciliatory position
of the late Pope has not been accepted by hardcore Roman Theologians who see
the throne as their birthright! When can other nations produce Popes as in past
centuries? Was Jesus a native of Rome ? Why has the
Papacy continued to operate from Rome , whereas the
birthplace of Jesus was/is Nazareth or Bethlehem ? Why Muslims
go to Mecca and Medina is obvious!
When, therefore, shall Christians all over the world, especially Roman
Catholics, become as reasonable as Muslims? Take a cue from the Roman Catholic
Priests of African descent who, to date , do not realise that the elite members
of their congregations see them merely as the ‘Matthews’ and ‘Zaccheaeus’ of
our times. To date, without being conscious of their neo-colonial roles in
destroying our authentic cultural heritage; they are the errand boys of Roman
Christian Imperialism and gradually events they stage-manage in the name of the
Papacy reveal they are nothing but saboteurs in the overall panoroma of genuine
religiosity in the land of our birth!
The desecration of
our ancient taboos (*nso ala*) and bastardisation of the authentic norms and
mores of our pristine holy ancestors is the remote cause of religious apathy
among the politicians and youths of today! Some of our ‘been-to’ clerics revel
in the moral decadence they learnt at the various European countries they are
sent to study and only return to corrupt the few upright clerics who they
consider naive and inexperienced because they hold on to the sacred vows they
took at their ordinations! These nonchallant ‘tax collectors’ or AMC for Roman
Theologians and their Religious Imperialists should be halted. It is better we
have a few priests who can sanctify our parishes than a long retinue of Satan’s
disciples hiding under the cloak of Roman Catholic Clergy while leading the
whole congregation to hell. The time to call a spade by its real name is now! I
am only blowing the whistle early enough so that our lovely children and
generations yet unborn will not end up as demons in hellfire, if what we are
brainwashed to believe as doctrines and dogmas really exist!

Dr Jideofo
Kenechukwu Danmbaezue,
This medical
scientist, pragmatic researcher and existential therapist, is proposing that we
scrutinise all the religious and ethnocentric prejudices that had enslaved many
children right from birth, who were born into their parents religio-cultural
practices and were never given the freedom to search for objective methods of
relating to their maker and other humans. Can you join us to make this
Culture is the summation of ethnocentric survival
strategies that each sub-unit of humanity had experimented with/developed over
the centuries, institutionalized and passed on to their descendants.
- The sons and daughters of the Almighty Creator had/have ignored
their ONE CULTURE, which is; total obedience to all the natural and
eternal laws in creation as their ONE WORLD RELIGION.
- That is what we desperately need today just as we use automated
vehicles, cellular phones and the Internet without killing anyone.
- Respect for and obedience to all the laws of nature is the key for
a peaceful world with beautiful people living, loving and sharing the
Creator's benefits as equal heirs to his blissful global world that we now
share amicably thanks to scientists who have uncovered his designs for our
mutual existence.
Your Chief Servant; Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue (11th Nov. 2009 )

Rev. Prof. Jideofo Jude Kenez, D.Sc. in Psychometrics
The Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Creator
of the Entire Universe.
of the Entire Universe.