Parading As Indigenous Priests Whereas They Are Foreign Stooges

a.k.a. Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue
Humble Vessel of the Holy Spirit of the
Almighty Creator of the entire Universe
There has been a retinue of
charlatans in every profession in the world since the agricultural perspectives
that Cain, the farmer and Abel, the shepherd introduced to the rest of humanity
if the biblical legends and/or religious fables are worth their whiles! What is
indigenous in a half-baked cleric who does not realise that he is only a pawn
in the chessboard of Roman Sacerdotal Nationals that have dominated the scene
in Christendom since the Constantinian misadventure of bastardising the true
‘Good News of the Lord Jesus' with the Mithranism era of Roman idolatry? For
500 years the baton of Papacy had always been handed over to only Roman
citizens until lately, when Pope John Paul I was poisoned to death by fellow
cardinals contesting for the throne of the Roman Catholic Papacy! Pope John
Paul II surfaced as a belated consensus candidate. To date the reconciliatory
position of the late Pope has not been accepted by hardcore Roman Theologians
who see the throne as their birthright! When can other nations produce Popes as
in past centuries? Was Jesus a native of Rome ?
Why has the Papacy continued to operate from Rome ,
whereas the birthplace of Jesus was/is Nazareth
or Bethlehem ?
Why Muslims go to Mecca and Medina is obvious! When, therefore, shall
Christians all over the world, especially Roman Catholics, become as reasonable
as Muslims?
Take a cue from the Roman
Catholic Priests of African descent who, to date , do not realise that the
elite members of their congregations see them merely as the ‘Matthews' and
‘Zaccheaeus' of our times. To date, without being conscious of their
neo-colonial roles in destroying our authentic cultural heritage; they are the
errand boys of Roman Christian Imperialism and gradually events they
stage-manage in the name of the Papacy reveals they are nothing but saboteurs
in the overall panoroma of genuine religiosity in the land of our birth!The
desecration of our ancient taboos (*nso ala*) and bastardisation of the
authentic norms and mores of our pristine holy ancestors is the remote cause of
religius apathy among the politicians and youths of today! Some of our
‘been-to' clerics revel in the moral decadence they learnt at the various
European countries they are sent to study and only return to corrupt the few
upright clerics who they consider naive and inexperienced because they hold on
to the sacred vows they took at their ordinations! These nonchallant ‘tax
collectors' or AMC for Roman Theologians and their Religious Imperialists should
be halted. It is better we have a few priests who can sanctify our parishes
than a long retinue of Satan's disciples hiding under the cloak of Roman
Catholic Clergy while leading the whole congregation to hell. The time to call
a spade by its real name is now. I am only blowing the whistle early enough so
that our lovely children and generations yet unborn will not end up in
hellfire, if what we are brainwashed to believe as doctrines and dogmas really

is an up-date on the original diatribe entitled " GRADUATES OF SATAN'S
UNIVERSITY" that the enthusiastic or avid reader can find at my other
Where I was born, we have this local saying; ‘He who does not know where the rainfall
starting beating him, will never know where it stopped'. Another warns; "A rat that joins a lizard in playing
in the rain, to remember that when the lizard is dry, it will still be
In my
culture, one does not interpret proverbs. I dare do so for my readers who are
non-indigenes of Igbo land; both idioms imply that anyone who does not know who
he is or where he is coming from will definitely not know where he is going!
The words of the elders of my people of Biafra
are definitely words of wisdom. They can write a doctoral thesis with just an
idiom or a statement of the fact with a simple analogy!
Let's look at these: The
bat is totally blind and is neither an animal of the sky nor of the land! The
bat is neither a bird nor a rodent for it hasn't any feathers yet it flies! And
though it has the anatomy of mammals and a skin with furs it neither crawls nor
runs on all fours, yet it feeds like birds, amphibians and rodents! The bat
says he knows how ugly it is, so it has resolved to fly only at night! What a
tragedy! These unreverend men and women should emulate the bat!
armed robber who died on active service found himself in front of Lucifer, the
Prince of Hell. He was hailed as an exemplary ambassador who had done very well
while on earth. He had despatched hundreds of souls who were not given time to
repent and so was placed nearest the top echelon of the executive class, as a
Superintendent - Grade 1. While on a guided tour of his area of command, he saw
two of the mass servers in his former parish. Surprised finding them here after
their pious services at all liturgical celebrations; he queried them with an
air of authority.
are you two doing here?" "King
Kong!" (For that was his popular nickname on earth) "Paddy, Na-waoh! Na so we see-a-moh-
ooh! We stole and drank more altar wine than all the priests and bishops did in
five years during our six months service as altar boys. The wine was not only
sweet but also very intoxicating. We died on our way to hospital because of a
fatal accident we had after the Good Friday vigil mass. It was our last bout of
twenty litres of the red Italian brew!"
"Sorry, so you common
thieves pretended that you were good boys! Who said that armed robbers were
worse? Yeah, the Catechist."
cut in, "Sh-sh - that Parish
Catechist you're talking about is down here in a hotter part of this
if in doubt, he called out to the elderly man to taunt him. "Baba-a how now?" To his
greatest amazement, he was informed that the Parish Priest that officiated at
his wedding was still far down below. He protested to his tour guide, "No, this is injustice! How can my
friend, ‘the man of God' we all revered on earth be condemned to hell after his
twenty-five years meritorious service as a Rev. Father on earth? No,
something's wrong here!"
only sobered when the priest responded thus: "King Kong, my dear, the Archbishop who ordained me is even
farther down below and he arrived before all of us. He was the Vice Chancellor
of the University
of Satan I attended. We
are graduates of the seminaries where they taught the art of preaching,
deception and subterfuge! He holds three doctorate degrees! One of them, a
post-doctoral, he earned in sexual promiscuity."
The Archbishop was
in so much pain,
he just kept mute!
refresh your mind with what earned Phinehas, the son of Aaron, the special
favour of God that turned away his wrath from the idolatrous and promiscuous
life they turned into while he delivered them from Egypt :
25:1 While Israel was staying in Shittim, the
men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women,
2 who invited them to the
sacrifices to their gods. The people ate and bowed down before these gods.
3 So Israel joined
in worshipping the Baal of Peor. And the LORD's anger burned against them.
4 The LORD said to Moses,
"Take all the leaders of these people, kill them and expose them in broad
daylight before the LORD, so that the LORD's fierce anger may turn away from Israel ."
5 So Moses said to Israel 's
judges, "Each of you must put to death those of your men who have joined
in worshipping the Baal of Peor."
6 Then an Israelite man
brought to his family a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses and the
whole assembly of Israel
while they were weeping at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
7 When Phinehas son of
Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a
spear in his hand
8 and followed the Israelite
into the tent. He drove the spear through both of them-- through the Israelite
and into the woman's body. Then the plague against the Israelites was stopped;
9 but those who died in the
plague numbered 24,000.
10 The LORD said to Moses,
11 "Phinehas son of
Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the
Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my honour among them, so that in
my zeal I did not put an end to them.
12 Therefore tell him I am
making my covenant of peace with him.
13 He and his descendants
will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the
honour of his God and made atonement for the Israelites."
14 The name of the Israelite
who was killed with the Midianite woman was Zimri son of Salu, the leader of a
Simeonite family.
15 And the name of the
Midianite woman who was put to death was Cozbi daughter of Zur, a tribal chief
of a Midianite family.
I have no commentary to add. If the cap fits your head, then wear it!
association is the Phinehas of this century and has a duty to perform.
can also replace ‘son of Eleazar' with ‘the son of Kenez' to get my gist!
Today, the errand
pseudo-clerics are bastardising our cultural festivities, like ICHI OZO, NEW
YAM FESTIVALS & IGBA OFALA, which the white missionaries, in their
ignorance labelled heathen rituals with ‘holier-than-thou' missionary fiat!

There was a time when
Catholic Reverend Fathers and Reverend Sisters on missionary services in this
country were really admired, respected and idolised! That was in my teens when
the Late Bishop Shanahan was still an ordinary priest! Rev. Fr. Bindel was the
Parish Priest of Ihiala, then a very large area extending as far away as
Emekuku, Orlu and Oguta! They rode long distances on Hercules bicycles carrying
out their evangelistic duties. They trekked most of the time and made converts
by using the very few semi-literate natives as their interpreters!
These interpreters were
later promoted to Catechists and soon wielded much power! They taught pagans
catechism classes in the vernacular language and only those they certified as
having passed their examinations were baptised. They stood between every
catechumen and the sacraments of baptism, confession, confirmation, matrimony
and even the irregular reception of the Holy Eucharist! You could neither see
any Rev. Fr. nor receive any of these sacraments without greasing their palms!
No girls or women ever came close to the parish houses, not to mention having
handshakes with any priest!
The Rev. Sisters wore
sparkling ankle-length white gowns and their head-gear with a tall hood and
overflowing veils covered every part of their heads except for just the outline
of their faces. I never saw their ears! To us little urchins at the turn of the
century, they were angels. After all the pictures in our catechism classes were
made of white skins. They were all white women. We never dreamt that we would,
in later years, have our own black sisters and daughters qualified to become
Rev. Sisters. No one ever imagined that a black skinned woman could ever be
dressed like these white angels. These angels were our earliest teachers,
nurses, midwives and doctors. They ran the few mission schools and hospitals
that were then in existence at Ihiala and Emekuku. We adored and loved them for
their motherly care but, at the same time, we hated their injection needles!
We were told that both the
priests and nuns were virgins. It was even rumoured that they had no sexual
parts to their bodies. They were ‘castrated' was the naïve belief that made the
rumour rounds then! We assumed that the nuns had neither breasts nor large
buttocks like our mothers and aunts! How were we to find out? The priests were
covered all over with their flowing white soutanes that they never put off in
our presence. "Did they ever urinate or defecate?" we wondered! I
never saw any of them in short knickers although I was a mass server for
several years at St Martin's Parish, Odo-ata Ihiala, now in Ihiala Local Government
Area of Anambra State . In addition, we never saw the
ears, necks and feet of the nuns. During clinical attendance they wore gloves,
so we were partially denied seeing their hands and fingers. "Did these
ladies know how to cook?" we pondered!
That the priests were chaste
and the nuns, virgins, were assumed! We never saw the priests and nuns chat
together, hug each other or stroll along any road side by side. They were
discreet and circumspect. They were conscious of their vows of celibacy and
public image knowing that they were continuously being watched day and night.
So, they never scandalised us nor gave us the chance to suspect them! That was
in the early 1930s and 1940s. We gradually began to notice that many nuns went
on leaves that were termed "annual" and understood why some others
that lasted beyond twelve months were termed "sudden",
"casual" or "sick." Soon, our own sons and daughters were
admitted into seminaries and convents. By the 1950s, some were ordained and
professed respectively. This first set never scandalised us! We never suspected
that they could lower the standards set by these missionary white angels! That
was before the Nigeria-Biafra civil war that lasted from 1967 to 1970. The
wind blew hard and the hen's anus was clearly seen by all!
All that changed as the
scales fell off our eyes. Our religious blinkers were forcibly removed by what
we saw during the civil war at the few Caritas Feeding Centres that we
naturally located within the parish premises. We saw a lot. Some printable,
others not whisper-able! Promiscuity was the mildest term for describing what
the refugee women described as own contributions to the war effort! Our
clergymen and women were the butt of their sexual exploits as relief items like
stockfish, egg-yolk and milk were exchanged for amorous relationships. Some
wore the glamorous foreign dresses donated by CARITAS & WCC that were meant
for homeless refugees that left their wardrobes behind!
they also eaten the forbidden fruit" was the mildest joke about what we
knew was happening at our local parishes. There was a conspiracy of silence by
all the culprits!
The war unmasked everyone.
Today, my ten-year-old niece knows that priests are anything but celibate! Most
mass servers can swear that beside heterosexual indulgence involving widows,
married and unmarried women in our parishes, our self-professed celibates
clandestinely practise homosexualism and lesbianism! It is no longer news that
paedophilia is the scourge of the Catholic clergy in the United States of America .
Nor is it news here in Africa that our own brothers and sisters,
‘self-proclaimed celibates', have secret wives and husbands with their illicit
children tucked away in remote villages and the dark alleys of streets in our
urban areas!
Even among our Protestant
communities, legally married pastors indulge in adulterous relationships
without any qualms of conscience. Prominent television evangelists are now
caught pants down at brothels. In the Catholic hierarchy, most of our so-called
celibates, males and females, are not only promiscuous, but revel in homosexual
and lesbian relationships. Some are pathological Casanovas and Nymphomaniacs!
Hell is let loose as most of the demons there are now living in our parishes
and convents. It is more of a rat race than an epidemic! There seems to be
gold, silver and bronze prizes reserved for those who excel in this sexual
revolution among our celibate community!
In addition, no one wants to
be left behind to pick up a bronze medal! Some have secretly fathered children
and are using church funds to maintain them. The female celibates go on the
pill or commit abortion monthly, dilatation & curettage being their
favourite option! Others build houses and sponsor their concubines in tertiary
educations. The ‘been-tos' among them send their girlfriends overseas for
summer holidays. Others receive and entertain their white girlfriends, right
here in Nigeria !
No one seems to be bothered
by this anomaly. Recently, however, some local ordinaries were forced to set up
special diocesan tribunals to investigate some of the reports they received
from parishioners who were/are the victims of this immoral revolution! Some
married women have lost their husbands to some pretty and sensuous Rev.
Sisters! Equally, some members of the C.M.O, whose wives have been snatched by
vivacious and amorous Rev. Fathers, are also complaining. Who can redeem us
from these demonic onslaughts?
The association for the
abrogation of celibacy in the Catholic Church is the answer! Their Animator
International, Dr Jideofo Kenechukwu Danmbaezue, categorically states;
"Celibacy is a legislation that can be abrogated anytime." It is a
convenience that can be dispensed with as soon as it is grossly abused and
becomes counterproductive. That is what it is for now! Therefore, it must be
abrogated or, in the least optionalised!
In support of this
assertion, I reprint here unabridged, a letter downloaded from the Internet,
which states in concise and unequivocal terms that the Catholic Church does not,
has never and will never teach CELIBACY.
Mateo, August 28, 1982
GZ |
Blessings in The Name of Our Lord!
GZ | For
centuries The Roman Rite has been teaching the laity that celibacy is demanded
of ALL Priests... Yet since the beginning of The Catholic Church this has not
been so... I.E. St.Peter had a wife per St
Paul 's Writings... Anglican Priests are being accepted
on a case by case basis into The Roman Jurisdictions... Not to mention Other
Rites that have always held celibacy as an option rather than a mandate....
GZ | What
source is generally available to the laity that will clarify this issue?
GZ |
Shalom, GZ | Gayle
Gayle: May I humbly suggest that the Roman Rite doesn't teach anybody anything!
official teachers of the Church are the Bishops in
union with the Pope, and they can be and are of all the rites. For
example, Pius XI belonged to the Ambrosian Rite, as did Paul VI. John Paul II recently celebrated Mass in the Mozarabic Rite, although he comes from the Roman Rite.
union with the Pope, and they can be and are of all the rites. For
example, Pius XI belonged to the Ambrosian Rite, as did Paul VI. John Paul II recently celebrated Mass in the Mozarabic Rite, although he comes from the Roman Rite.
the Church doesn't "teach the laity". The Church teaches
all her members. The Church is not "us" vs. "them". We are all the
Church and members of one another, in need of the gospel of God.
all her members. The Church is not "us" vs. "them". We are all the
Church and members of one another, in need of the gospel of God.
the Church does not "teach" anything whatever about
Celibacy. The objects of Church teaching are (1) doctrine and (2) morals. Celibacy is neither. Celibacy is a matter of Church legislation.
Celibacy. The objects of Church teaching are (1) doctrine and (2) morals. Celibacy is neither. Celibacy is a matter of Church legislation.
The law of
celibacy, which has been universal in the Latin rites since the Middle Ages, is
of ecclesiastical origin and may therefore be dispensed in individual cases.
Conceivably, it could be entirely abrogated. An easily available treatment of
this matter (it is scarcely an issue) is the article "Celibacy" in
the New Catholic Encyclopaedia.
in Christ,
Signed on
October 28, 1996……………………………………..Father Mateo
<> St.
Gabriel <> Visit the above or E-Mail
Copyright © 1996 Catholic Information Network (CIN) -
This is coming from an authority
on the subject under scrutiny. He is an Israelite! He studied in Rome ! He is an ordained
priest of the Roman Rite and has been in service for thirty-five years. You
have no reason to doubt what he says! "If clerical celibacy has out-lived
its usefulness, what is the need of clinging tenaciously to it? This is an
absurdity on the part of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy". In medical
language, it is giving a wrong diagnosis while a sick patient is in a comatose
state! Alternatively, shall we take it that the Church Fathers support the
numerous sex scandals rocking the boat? Or, has it become so insensitive to the
evidence of cases of paedophilia in USA , of lesbian and homosexual relationships
reported in the mass media and so many incidences of promiscuity in other parts
of the globe and that warrants our "separated brethren" laughing us
to scorn? Why has the Pope and the Cardinals turned their eyes the other way?
Are they neck deep in these scandals themselves? Probably it is a case of those
living in glass houses not throwing stones at each other? They are blind
pastors leading the faithful!
Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, had prophesied
about them when he compared them to the religious leaders of his time. He
reiterated that they were hypocrites that devoured the homes of widows. He
labelled them, "white sepulchres, which on the outside looked clean but
were rotten and decaying on the inside." Anyone who deceptively takes
a vow of celibacy and deliberately violates it regularly without any pricks of
the conscience is a demon and definitely a disciple of Satan! That is why we
refer to them as ‘Postgraduates of Satan's University.' They are candidates for
hellfire and they will lead as many of us as they can to the same place. They
are only working for their master, Lucifer! Listen to what Jesus Christ said
about such hypocrites who take false vows in the New Testament account of Matthew's
Gospel, Chapter 23, vv. 25 - 28:
"How terrible for you,
teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You clean the outside of
your cup and plate, while the inside is full of what you have obtained by
violence and selfishness. Blind
Pharisee! Clean what is inside the cup first, and then the outside will be
clean too! "How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You
hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look fine on the outside but
are full of bones and decaying corpses on the inside. In the same way, on the
outside you appear good to everybody, but on the inside, you are full of
hypocrisy and sins."
My dear false clerics; does anyone need an
interpretation for those simple statements of facts? What does a tomb covered
with tiles look like theses days? Sparkling White! Suppose you dig up the
contents after three months of burying a human corpse in it, what will you find
inside? Dry bones, the skull nails, hairs, the teeth and may be some decaying
Today, that is what the Nigerian clergy is! Our
Protestant married priests are now preferred by rational Christians! Many of
these erring brothers and sisters of our Catholic community come to my clinic.
Others go to physicians and gynaecologists who are not Catholics to procure
abortion; and probably in mufti, and still accomplish their infanticide
missions. Nevertheless, that does not solve the matter! Our teaching hospitals
and private clinics are inundated with so many cases that I blush whenever I
meet with some of the irreverent ‘Rev. Fathers and Sisters!' I may be forced to
document some of these aberrations if nothing tangible is done by the local
ordinaries of these erring sons and daughters of ours! This is definitely a
case of "abomination standing in a holy place"!
During the civil war, I handled more than five
hundred cases, mostly out of paternal concern and humanitarian principles. I
pitied the refugee girls and women who were the commonest preys of these
amorous parish priests that used stockfish, egg-yolk and milk, donated by
CARITAS as their baits! Often, I had to turn some unrepentant ones back. To
date, the story has not changed much! Only their baits have changed and their
methodologies have greatly been improved on. Their new treacheries and
cover-ups have undergone metamorphosis, but they can never outwit old hands in
our profession!
My colleagues, still in active service, report that
the upsurge is astronomical. The most current evidence to buttress the
incidence and frequency of these scandalous practices by our ‘celibate
children' is that five hundred cases of HIV/AIDS involving Rev. Fathers and
Sisters have been recorded at all the teaching hospitals nation-wide. The story
is the same in other sister African countries; Ghana ,
Ivory Coast , Tanzania , Uganda ,
Gambia , Kenya , Ethiopia ,
Liberia , Malawi , Angola
and South Africa !
The papacy must exempt Africans from this foolery of pretences at a celibate
culture! It is ‘Un-African', to say the least. Moreover, the scandalous
lessons this clerical subterfuge passes on to our youth, most especially the
young girls and women who are the victims of these amorous relationships does
more harm to their spiritual development than whatever ablutions they get at
their routine weekly confessions. It is a blatant mockery of the Sacrament of
By God's grace, I am nearly an octogenarian. It is
‘Un-African' for an elder to see evil, sit complacently and not warn the youth
about its impending and disastrous consequences. I have done my duty! If
nothing is done, and fast too, we shall be left with no option than to assert
that celibacy is a canonical camouflage designed by the Papacy to shelter all
those who are incapable of living the monogamous lifestyle demanded by the
sacrament of Holy Matrimony! It shall then be obvious that it is an
institutionalised welcome haven for those having socio-pathological
inadequacies! For now, that is what it represents among the Igbos of Biafra in West Africa , who love children and cherish ethical family
life dearly!
Current sex scandals in
Catholic dioceses all over the world and in many parishes of the African Church have necessitated the timely
formation of an association of deeply concerned parents, with the sole
objective of sanitising the congregation of what is regarded today as the
greatest demonic attack on decency, purity, holiness and social ethics! Many
postgraduates of Satan's universities have invaded our churches. We urgently
need to checkmate them!
It is hoped that this
association, as a child of necessity, will save us the recurrent shame,
stigmatisation and embarrassment serious minded members of the clergy and our
faithful laity suffer at the hands of our separated brethren. They are fully
aware of the deceit going on. Now they deride us on the false claims we make on
celibacy and so laugh us to scorn! We have no excuses for the flagrant
violations of the vows of chastity and virginity by our sons and daughters! The
words of Apostle Peter, in 2nd Peter 2: 17-22, Good News Bible
edition (GNB) is prophetic and says it all!
These men are like dried-up springs, like clouds blown along by a storm; God
has reserved a place for them in the deepest darkness.
v.18: They
make proud and stupid statements, and use immoral bodily lusts to trap those
who are just beginning to escape from among people who live in error.
v.19: They promise them freedom while they
themselves are slaves of destructive habits-for a person is a slave of anything
that has conquered him.
v.20: If people have escaped from the corrupting
forces of the world through their knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ, and then are again caught and conquered by them, such people are in a
worse state at the end than they were at the beginning.
v.21: It would have been much better for them never
to have known the way of righteousness than to know it and then turn away from
the sacred command that was given them.
v.22: What happened to them shows that the proverbs
are true:
dog goes back to what it has vomited" and "A pig that has been washed
goes back to roll in the mud."
What else can be more
appropriate in describing our erring religious hypocrites than the last two
verses? One takes a vow of chastity or that of virginity after fifteen years of
training at the seminary or a minimum of seven years after a postulancy at a
convent respectively. Thereafter, such candidates flaunt the vow and
unrepentantly indulge in promiscuous sexual exploits shortly after a
mission-sponsored tutelage and the diocesan ceremonies of ordinations or solemn
professions usually well orchestrated and extensively financed by the laity! This cancerous sore deserves a surgical
Is this not a variant of the
abominations of desolation standing in holy places?
Has Satan taken over our
seminaries and convents or are the spiritual directors and formators to be held
responsible for this turn of events? Subterfuge, deceit and
pretence must have been so eulogised, practised and indulged in at some of the
religious training grounds, otherwise how can anyone explain how these wolves
in sheep's clothing survived the rigorous classical conditioning and
role-modelling of their spiritual formators for so long. The sorrows of parents
of these wayward candidates are better imagined than experienced!
The situation has so got out
of hand that the warnings of Jesus Christ himself now apply to our clergy. The
whole of chapter twenty-three of the gospel according to Matthew is an apt
description of the depravity of most of our present day priests! Currently,
about fifty-five cases of reported HIV/AIDS patients in our teaching hospitals
are those of our young men and women in religious cassocks, gowns and veils of
all descriptions. However only one appellation truly fits them all, and that
Now behold, one came and said to Him, "Good Teacher, what good thing shall
I do that I may have eternal life?"
So He said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that
is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments."
He said to Him, "Which ones?" Jesus said, " 'You shall not
murder,' 'You shall not commit adultery,' 'You shall not steal,' 'You shall not
bear false witness,' 19'Honor your
father and your mother,' and, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
The young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept from my youth.
What do I still lack?"
Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and
give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow
But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had
great possessions.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard
for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God ."
When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, "Who
then can be saved?"
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible."
Then Peter answered and said to Him, "See, we have left all and followed
You. Therefore what shall we have?"
So Jesus said to them, "Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration,
when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me
will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel .
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or
wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and
inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and the last

Dr Jideofo
Kenechukwu Danmbaezue a.k.a. Rev. Prof.
J. J. Kenez
ex-seminarian capped ‘Rt. Rev. Bishop Echipu' at the Diamond Jubillee of All
Hallows Seminary, Onitsha is begging clerics to resign honourably than staying
put and scandalising the youths in our parishes and other youth fellowships
"You shall not commit adultery.
The man who commits adultery with another man's wife, he who commits adultery
with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put
to death. NKJV
The man who commits adultery with another man's wife, he who commits adultery
with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put
to death. NKJV
'You shall not commit adultery.
Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding;
who does so destroys his own soul.
Then I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed
adultery, I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce; yet her
treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also.
So it came to pass, through her casual harlotry, that she defiled the land and
committed adultery with stones and trees. NKJV
"How shall I pardon you for this?
children have forsaken Me
sworn by those that are not gods.
I had fed them to the full,
they committed adultery
assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses.
Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal,
and walk after other gods whom you do not know, NKJV
Also I have seen a horrible thing in the prophets of Jerusalem :
commit adultery and walk in lies;
also strengthen the hands of evildoers,
that no one turns back from his wickedness.
of them are like Sodom
to Me,
her inhabitants like Gomorrah .
because they have done disgraceful things in Israel , have committed adultery
with their neighbors' wives, and have spoken lying words in My name, which I
have not commanded them. Indeed I know, and am a witness, says the LORD.
For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. They have
committed adultery with their idols, and even sacrificed their sons whom they
bore to Me, passing them through the fire, to devour them. NKJV
Then the LORD said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by a lover
and is committing adultery, just like the love of the LORD for the children of Israel , who
look to other gods and love the raisin cakes of the pagans." NKJV
By swearing and lying,
and stealing and committing adultery,
break all restraint,
bloodshed upon bloodshed.
They offer sacrifices on the mountaintops,
burn incense on the hills,
oaks, poplars, and terebinths,
their shade is good.
your daughters commit harlotry,
your brides commit adultery.
"I will not punish your daughters when they commit harlotry,
your brides when they commit adultery;
the men themselves go apart with harlots,
offer sacrifices with a ritual harlot.
people who do not understand will be trampled.
"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.'
28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a
woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
"But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except
sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman
who is divorced commits adultery.
"But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except
sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a woman
who is divorced commits adultery.
And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and
marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced
commits adultery." NKJV
And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and
marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced
commits adultery." NKJV
He said to Him, "Which ones?" Jesus said, " 'You shall not murder,'
'You shall not commit adultery,' 'You shall not steal,' 'You shall not bear
false witness,' NKJV
So He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits
adultery against her. NKJV
And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits
You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not
steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Do not defraud,' 'Honor your father and
your mother.' " NKJV
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever
marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever
marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.
You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not
steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Honor your father and your mother.'
Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And
when they had set her in the midst, NKJV
they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very
act. NKJV
You who say, "Do not commit adultery," do you commit adultery? You
who abhor idols, do you rob temples? NKJV
You who say, "Do not commit adultery," do you commit adultery? You
who abhor idols, do you rob temples? NKJV
For the commandments, "You shall not commit adultery," "You
shall not murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not
bear false witness," "You shall not covet," and if there is any
other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, "You shall
love your neighbor as yourself." NKJV
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, lewdness, NKJV
For He who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not
murder." Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have
become a transgressor of the law. NKJV
For He who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not
murder." Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have
become a transgressor of the law. NKJV
Peter 2:14
having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable
souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed
children. NKJV
Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her
into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. NKJV
Matthew 5:28 Mt 5:28
28 But <de> I <ego> say <lego> unto you
<humin>, That <hoti> whosoever <pas> looketh <blepo> on
a woman <gune> to <pros> lust after <epithumeo> her
<autos> hath committed adultery <moicheuo> with her <autos>
already <ede >
in <en> his <autos> heart <kardia>. (KJV)
28 But I say to you
that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery
with her in his heart. (RSV)
28. Whosoever looketh on a woman to
lust after her] epiyumsai authn, earnestly to covet her. The verb, epiyumew, is undoubtedly used here
by our Lord, in the sense of coveting through the influence of impure
desire. The word is used in precisely
the same sense, on the same subject, by Herodotus, book the first, near the
end. I will give the passage, but I dare
not translate it. To the learned reader
it will justify my translation, and the unlearned must take my word. thv epiyumhsei gunaikov massagethv anhr,
misgetai adewv, Raphelius, on this verse, says, epiyumein hoc loco, est turpi
cupiditate mulieris potiundae flagrare.
In all these eases, our blessed Lord points out the spirituality of the
law; which was a matter to which the Jews paid very little attention. Indeed it is the property of a Pharisee to
abstain only from the outward crime. Men
are very often less inquisitive to know how far the will of God extends, that
they may please him in performing it, than they are to know how far they may
satisfy their lusts without destroying their bodies and souls, utterly, by an
open violation of his law.
Hath committed adultery with her already in
his heart.] It is the earnest wish or
desire of the soul, which, in a variety of cases, constitutes the good or evil
of an act. If a man earnestly wish to
commit an evil, but cannot, because God puts time, place, and opportunity out
of his power, he is fully chargeable with the iniquity of the act, by that God
who searches and judges the heart. So,
if a man earnestly wish to do some kindness, which it is out of his power to
perform, the act is considered as his; because God, in this case, as in that
above, takes the will for the deed. If
voluntary and deliberate looks and desires make adulterers and adulteresses,
how many persons are there whose whole life is one continued crime! whose eyes
being full of adultery, they cannot cease from sin, 2Pe 2:14. Many would abhor
to commit one external act before the eyes of men, in a temple of stone; and
yet they are not afraid to commit a multitude of such acts in the temple of
their hearts, and in the sight of God!
Matthew 15:19 Mt 15:19
19 For <gar> out of <ek> the heart
<kardia> proceed <exerchomai> evil <poneros> thoughts
<dialogismos>, murders <phonos>, adulteries <moicheia>,
fornications <porneia>, thefts <klope>, false witness
<pseudomarturia>, blasphemies <blasphemia>: (KJV)
19 For out of the
heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness,
slander. (RSV)
19. Out of the heart] In the heart of an unregenerate man, the
principles and seeds of all sin are found.
And iniquity is always conceived in the heart before it be spoken or
acted. Is there any hope that a man can
abstain from outward sin till his heart, that abominable fountain of
corruption, be thoroughly cleansed? I
trow not.
thoughts] dialogismoi ponhroi, wicked dialogues-for
in all evil surmisings the heart holds a conversation, or dialogue, with
itself. For fonoi, murders, two MSS.
have fyonoi, envyings, and three others have both. Envy and murder are nearly allied: the former
has often led to the latter.
I have already observed, Mt 9:3, that the verb blasfhmew, when applied
to men, signifies to speak INJURIOUSLY of their persons, characters, &c.,
and, when applied to God, it means to speak IMPIOUSLY of his nature, works,
Matthew 15:20 Mt 15:20
20 These <tauta> are <esti> the things which
<ho> defile <koinoo> a man <anthropos>: but <de> to eat
<phago> with unwashen <aniptos> hands <cheir> defileth
<koinoo> not <ou> a man <anthropos>. (KJV)
20 These are what
defile a man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man." (RSV)
20. These-defile a man] Our Lord's argument is very plain. What goes into the mouth descends into the
stomach and other intestines;-part is retained for the nourishment of the body,
and part is ejected, as being improper to afford nourishment. Nothing of this kind defiles the soul,
because it does not enter into it; but the evil principles that are in it,
producing evil thoughts, murders, &c., these defile the soul, because they
have their seat and operation in it.

1 Corinthians 6:9 1Co 6:9
9 ¶ <e> Know ye
<eido> not <ou> that <hoti> the unrighteous <adikos>
shall <kleronomeo> not <ou> inherit <kleronomeo> the kingdom
<basileia> of God <theos>? Be <planao> not <me>
deceived <planao>: neither <oute> fornicators <pornos>, nor
<oute> idolaters <eidololatres>, nor <oute> adulterers
<moichos>, nor <oute> effeminate <malakos>, nor <oute>
abusers of themselves with mankind <arsenokoites>, (KJV)
9 ¶ Do you not know
that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God ?
Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
sexual perverts, (RSV)
9. The unrighteous shall not inherit
the kingdom] The unrighteous, adikoi,
those who act contrary to right, cannot inherit, for the inheritance is by
right. He who is not a child of God has
no right to the family inheritance, for that inheritance is for the
children. If children, then heirs; heirs
of God, and joint heirs with Christ, Ro 8:17.
There are here ten classes of transgressors which the apostle excludes
from the kingdom of God; and any man who is guilty of any one of the evils
mentioned above is thereby excluded from this kingdom, whether it imply the
Church of Christ here below, or the state of glory hereafter.
Several of the evils here enumerated will not
bear to be particularly explained; they are, however, sufficiently plain of
themselves, and show us what abominations were commonly practised among the
1 Corinthians 7:10 1Co 7:10
10 ¶ And <de> unto the married <gameo> I command
<paraggello>, yet not <ou> I <ego>, but <alla> the Lord
<kurios>, Let <chorizo> not <me> the wife <gune> depart
<chorizo> from <apo> her husband <aner>: (KJV)
10 ¶ To the married I
give charge, not I but the Lord, that the wife should not separate from her
husband (RSV)
10. I command, yet not I, but the
Lord] I do not give my own private
opinion or judgment in this case; for the Lord Jesus commands that man shall
not put asunder them whom God hath joined, Mt 5:32; 19:6. And God has said the same, Ge 2:24. The following extracts will prove that the
law among the Jews was very loose relative to the firmness of the marriage
woman might put away or depart from her husband by giving this simple reason to
the elders, who would give the following certificate. "In ____ day of ____ week, of ____ year,
A., daughter of B., put away before us and said: My mother, or my brethren,
deceived me, and wedded me or betrothed me, when I was a very young maid, to
C., son of D.; but I now reveal my mind before you, that I will not have
they parted with mutual consent, and this also was considered legal, as was
also the marriage of the separated parties to others. Witness the following story: "A good man
had a good wife; but because they had no children, they mutually put away each
other. The good man married a bad (a
heathen) wife, and she made him bad (a heathen;) the good woman married a bad
(a heathen) husband, and she made him good."
were easily obtained among them, and they considered them the dissolving of the
marriage bond; and, in consequence of these, the parties might remarry with
others. This was contrary to the
original institution of marriage, and is opposed both by our Lord and the
Galatians 5:16 Ga 5:16
16 This I say <lego> then <de>, Walk
<peripateo> in the Spirit <pneuma>, and <kai> ye shall
<teleo> not <ou me> fulfil <teleo> the lust <epithumia>
of the flesh <sarx>. {ye...: or, fulfil not} (KJV)
16 But I say, walk by
the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. (RSV)
16. Walk in the Spirit] Get back that Spirit of God which you have
grieved and lost; take up that spiritual religion which you have abandoned.
Ye shall not fulfil the lust of the
flesh.] If the Spirit of God dwell in
and rule your heart, the whole carnal mind will be destroyed; and then, not
only carnal ordinances will be abandoned, but also the works and propensities
of the flesh.
Joh 8:41 , Ac 15:20, Ro 1:29,
1Co 6:13, 2Co 12:21, Ga 5:16,19,24, 1Jo 2:16
There are many clerics and
nuns, otherwise referred to as Rev. Fathers and Rev. Sisters, including those
that have been elevated to Monsignors, Mother Generals, Bishops, Archbishops
and Cardinals in the Roman Catholic hierarchy that should summon courage and
leave gracefully before the youths of our Global Village forcibly remove them
fro their pecuniary, parasitic, sycophantic and adulterous lifestyles. There
are no jobs in the labour market worldwide and so those who successfully
pretended to have had vocations all through their training periods till they
are ordained and then they continue to live false lives with impunity!
No one
spits out sugar when it has already entered the mouth! Free housing, free cars,
free televisions, free dresses, free toiletries as well as free food, free sex
e.t.c. are the luxuries that keep them there!
crafty tortoises in our native stories! They
think they are smart! WHY?
If you want the full story, just type the title into Google Search
To see that Christiane Amanpour of CNN went to Rome , interviewed Pope Benedict XVI, came
back to her CNN programme and confirmed it.
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